Your One Stop Shop

Marketing Firm

Get a Marketing System that brings daily leads in only 10 days.


All that's missing to make your Business successful is an automated Lead Flow

You are only 10 Days away from automated Leads completely changing your business.

We know... We are not your first Marketing Agency. You've been doing marketing for years and might already had a marketing agency or 2 (maybe even 3 if we are honest).

We get it. It's hard to find a company that you can trust. Everyone is telling you they got the solution. And yeah if you turn all your problems in to nails then yes a Hammer seems like the right tool to commit to. Sadly not all Marketing Problems are Nails. One Tool won't fit all Problems.

That's where a One Stop Shop Marketing Firm becomes appealing. XYZ Marketing has a full tool belt and can adjust the plan based on the problem you are facing.

This is a Sales Funnel. Every Business should have one, and you have one. (It might not be fully built out) If you are making money, you have a sales funnel.

We Have done it for dozens of others, we can do it for you

Getting Leads can be easy.

3 Years ago Adam and Jonathan founded XYZ Marketing.

Jonathan, a video and photo guy and Adam, a website designer and SEO guy. Half a decade ago they both were running successful agencies, Jonathan running a video agency and Adam a website design agency.

But a few years ago they both figured out that each of them only had some of the puzzle pieces and were sick of their clients not seeing real world results, meaning 'money in the bank' of course.

Why We Do Guaranteed Marketing

Awesome Videos That Nobody Saw 

Jonathan’s Video Agency was producing beautifully shot videos, perfect lighting, perfect audio and flawless editing. But what does all of that matter if no one sees the video? Just because your mom, your partner and your kids liked the video, doesn’t mean it’s making you money….

Awesome Conversion Tool That Got No Traffic

Videos are a fantastic tool in marketing, if people actually end up seeing them. Without views, a video is just a bunch of 1 and 0s on a server that serve no purpose. But once you get traffic to them… that’s when magic starts to happen. But until then…. Silence.

Awesome Websites That Didn’t Convert

Adam’s website design agency was developing gorgeous websites that functioned perfectly, no errors, strategically designed, and absolutely everyone complemented how good his websites looked. But what good is it if  people just tell you your website is pretty, you can’t pay bills with that.

Awesome Traffic Tool That Got No Conversions

Even if you got more people to the website…. If at the end of the day no one reaches out to do business with you, then I am sorry to say, but you can’t make payroll with pretty web pages. 

That’s where Adam and Jonathan bonded together to create XYZ Marketing. An all in one Marketing Firm that handles everything, with the sole purpose of fixing the endless

‘I don’t know why it’s not working’ 

Leads are what makes a business successful.

If at the end of the day, you don’t have more money in your bank account then why on earth would you spend money on marketing in the first place?

It has to increase the bottom line! That’s what we believe as well.

That’s why we optimized our systems until we were so sure of them, that we can even guarantee our marketing efforts. I know, I know…. We get called crazy and all other sorts of things from all the other marketing agencies around us because we actually guarantee that if you spend money with us, you will get the results and make more money back.

There is only one thing that matters when it comes to marketing:

More Money in your Wallet.

What’s in it for you? Other than more money in your pocket?

  • Leads that call your phone, interested in what you have to offer.

  • A dependable amount of leads every month

  • No more guessing where the next paycheck is coming from

  • No more worrying about making payroll

  • Easy to understand Marketing Reports

  • Bi weekly meetings to stay on the same page

You’ve tried it before, right?!

We know, your cousin and jimmy from down the street have tried it before, you might even already have a website, you might even be posting on social media…. But it’s not really working, isn’t it?

And it’s not your fault.

What it means to have a full marketing team behind you

If the website guy made the website pretty, the SEO guy is doing SEO, and the ADS guy is getting people to the website, but no one is reaching out to you….

Who’s fault is it?

The website guy?

The SEO guy?

The ADS guy?

When you work with XYZ Marketing there is no more ‘I don’t know why it’s not working’ 

  • every XYZ Team Member is held accountable to bring you leads.

  • Software that shows us what is working and what is not as well as why.

  • We can see where the disconnect is and fix it, unlike specialized freelancers

When You Work With XYZ Marketing You Can


  • a Manageable Flow of Leads

  • a Booked Schedule for your Team

  • A ringing phone

  • Easy to Use Marketing Dashboard

  • A Guaranteed Return on Your Investment


  • Meaningless Meetings

  • Wasting Time on Marketing

  • Guessing what works

  • A half baked solution

  • Employees standing around doing nothing

Sounds like everything you’ve been looking for right?!

Or at least like everything everyone is telling you is important.

Don't just listen to us, hear what others have to say:

Working with XYZ has been a ton of fun; they've been super professional, very prompt in their delivery, and have come through way above and beyond anything that we could have hoped for.

Jessica Coroles

CMO of MediPharma

Now I feel like it's the best check to write because I'm getting something back. I don't mind spending the money because I know I get it right back with the customers I'm getting. We can grow, we can find the right employees to grow, and help as many people as we can. So we appreciate you guys helping us grow and bring good people to people's homes

Kyle Mitchell

Owner of Right Choice Garage Door

I cannot stress more how professional everyone was that worked with us; they were great, they learned about our business, they took the time to understand what it was we did, to understand the pain points, and to produce something for us that really captured the feelings of Valhalla.

Josh Tate

COO of Valhalla Plus

These guys presented a couple of different options for me that would actually work, and then I kind of love it because I can build upon what they've already built for me.

Devi Cooper

Devi Cooper Realty

I would recommend XYZ marketing to anyone who wants to make their business better, succeed, gain name recognition, and streamline their processes. XYZ is the all-in-one marketing company you're looking for.

Todd Coroles

CTO of Medi Pharma

Would You Like To Call Our Current And Past Clients And Ask Them Yourself?

Fill out this contact form and we will provide a list of previous/current clients that you can call and ask for yourself how we did and any other questions you might have for them.

We hope you understand that due to privacy we don’t just want to put their numbers out in the open.

What If It Doesn't Work?

Money Making Machine Guarantee

After all, it’s the future and nobody knows what’s going to happen in the future. That’s why we offer the XYZ Guarantee with your project. The XYZ Guarantee is our way of showing confidence in our abilities to help your company.

If you’ve put in place, consistently, everything that we recommend and the ROI is less than what you have invested, we will work for free to make up the difference. That’s how confident we are. 

At the 9 month mark we have a finance review and see how many leads have been generated through the efforts of XYZ Marketing, we do assume at least a 30% closing ratio. If it is less that what you have spent with us, then without any further question, we will make up the rest in free services.

A few aspects the XYZ Guarantee covers:If our efforts don’t return the amount you spent on our services during the project timeline, we will work for free to make up the differences from what you’ve spent vs what you’ve made.We will do whatever is within our power to bring the best return on your investment possible.

No ROI For You ... No Bill From Us

When can I get started, how easy is it to make the switch?

You could be 1 of the  only 2 new clients we onboard per month. In order to ensure the best experience to our clients, for now we have found that 2 new clients a month is where we can provide the best possible service to those we work with. Once you have decided to work with us, all it takes is about 20 minutes of your time to give us access and permission to your different platforms and we will take it from there. Easy peasy. You just need a thumbs up or down from there on out.

Got a few questions?

Let’s have a marketing meeting, where we look at what you got, and what we can do for you. In this 'no commitment' meeting we will be going over the following things:

  • Get To Know You & Your Goals

  • We Get Familiar With Your Business

  • What it would look like To work together

  • Overview of Marketing Process

  • Pricing and Timeline Alignment

Not Ready For A Meeting Yet?

Maybe Reviewing Our Case Studies Will Give You The Insight You Are Looking For

How Video Changed Valhalla

After working with Valhalla to produce videos that would be used in ads. The Videos reduced their cost per click to $0.50, with every 10th click turning into a scheduled appointment. Every second scheduled appointment turned into a new customer.

How SEO Changed Little Vegas Chapel

Our existing client My Little Vegas Chapel experienced a huge decrease in website traffic due to the Covid-19 pandemic.Within 5 months we restored the lost Website traffic and continued to grow the traffic 3 times larger, all while Las Vegas was on lock-down for 12 months.

How Email Changed My Essential Birth

My Essential Birth was making around $8000 a month with their online course when they started working with us, once we implemented a strategic email nurture campaign we increased the revenue to $17,500.

How Ads changed Sand Lounger

SandLounger was never able to get positive results from running ads. After working with us and developing a content strategy that would aid their Ads we accomplished a 12.2% click through rate for them.

How Our CRM Changed


MediPharma was experiencing an issue of systematizing their outreach to their clients. After working with us to develop a custom system in our CRM they were able to send over 20,000 text messages per day and structure that outreach to be completely automated.

How Landing Pages Changed Regeneration Medical Spa

They worked with another Marketing Company got was getting them a 0.1% click through rate on their ads.

After working with us we are now 8.76% Click Through Rate. Also 10.2% of People visiting the Landing Page are reaching out to get on their schedule.

At this point you got a pretty good idea of what we can do to make your Business better.

Or at least you can see how it would be worth it to talking to us.

Contact Us

Fill out the Form and Tell us your concerns, ask us your questions and let’s get on the same page, worst case scenario we can point you in the right direction.

Or just call us a quick call:

Our Services

  • Google & Facebook Ads

  • Website Development

  • Video Production

  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Landing Pages

  • Graphic Design

  • Re-targeting Ads

  • Email Campaigns

  • Text Campaigns

  • Photography

  • Social Media Management

  • Logo Design


1186 East 4600 South #100

South Ogden 84403 UT

Phone Number

Opening Hours

Mo - Fri. 9:00 - 5:00

Sat & Sun Closed